Friday, February 15, 2008

Life with two children...

So...we are slowly adjusting to life with two children. It is such a joy to have Eli in our home. He is very vocal and has a great pouty face. We just got the boys pictures taken and they were both cheese balls! I will post pics later. Gabe loves his big brother and thinks it's funny when he passes gas or tries to grab at his face. Gabe will laugh and laugh at his little brother. "You're so silly Eli, Eli, Eli", is his favorite saying. Anyway, Boston is treating us well. We are so blessed to have good friends and ward members who look out for us. We have definitely felt the love of the Lord these past few weeks. Happy Valentines Day!
p.s. I am slowly trying to update our blog. Sorry for all the wedding pictures below. I used to have our blog as my portfolio and I'm in the process of creating my photography blog.


staci baker said...

Good to hear that you're adjusting to two kids! It's not for whimps, though, is it? It was way hard for me! It has gotten so much better for me now. Well, it's so good that Gabe loves his brother so much. They'll be good buddies!

Amy said...

Glad to see your blog! Your boys are just so beautiful. I'm glad you have two boys. It's fun to watch brothers interact the older they get.

Jess said...

Hey Carrie! Hooray for two kids! Kind of an adjustment, huh? It gets easier, I think so anyway..except when the older one smothers the younger one while "playing". No. We don't have personal experience. :)

Zach 'n' Jack said...

hey carrie! Love your blog, your two lil' boys are soooo cute! Hope all is well in Boston, be sure to add us to your list!