Tuesday, March 9, 2010

What's been happening lately...

Visiting family and friends over the Christmas break. We went to Thanksgiving Point.
This is a random picture by a shark.

Well, we'll start with a few months ago...
These two are happy to see each other!

This is a beautiful sunset I saw on my my home from doing errands. Sorry for the bad picture...I took it while sitting at a stop light!

Eli's Birthday Cake...Happy Birthday Buddy!

My Birthday Cake!

1 comment:

Ben, Elise, Lucy, and Jack said...

Carrie- we miss you guys so much!! i wish we could just clap our hands and come to your front door... alas, we are still fine-tuning that technique!! But know we think of you guys often and love you so much!! and your b-day cake looks so good! is it from Costco? if so, you are one lucky lady!!