Sunday, May 18, 2008

They're gone...

We have struggled so much lately with Gabe, about taking a nap, that I now just enforce quiet time. A few days ago Gabe was being ridiculously quiet for nap time. So, I gave him the benefit of the doubt and thought "what a good boy, he's sleeping." I checked on him about an hour later and this is what I found. If you can't tell, it's my sticker collection ( A collection from over 18+ years. I'm not kidding, I have a handful of stickers from when I was in 3rd grade in Mrs. Andrizzi's class). So, I really love my sticker collection and actually only use stickers out of it on special occasions. When I discovered this in the third bedroom, Gabe happened to be in his room reading ( like he should be for quiet time). So, I couldn't get too mad because I've only told him once or twice, in the past year or so, not to play with them. My first reaction was to laugh because I had fooled myself into thinking he was finally asleep. When in reality, he was wasting mommy's precious sticker collection that I have been working on for 18+ years. But, as you can tell, he did have a lot of fun organizing them on the cabinet.


Clark Family said...

Sorry about your sticker collection!! I, too, collected stickers when I was growing up. They are lost somewhere in New Orleans - I think... I hope to find my lost collection one day, because I love stickers! I'm glad you have a picture to remember your stickers by. Gabe probably had a blast using all of those! :( It's funny how quiet kids can be when they're doing something they're not supposed to be doing...

staci baker said...

Oh, that sounds like something Tyler would do! I think I would've initially laughed, too! And congrats on joining the military. I think it's a wise route considering how much money it saves. And now you can be a bit like us and get to see a new place or two! I wish we had that option because school (and traveling) is SO expensive. Good for you!

Margie said...

LOL! I have had a similar experience with Makena. I'm sorry. But hey now you have a fresh start right?

Amy said...

It just figures right? Boys! Kids! Sorry to hear about your loss. :(

Sweeney Household said...

What a good mom you are to not get mad & just laugh! I can hear myself giving my kids a big lecture with a raised voice.... I love stickers. :)